Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Imaginary Student

Well after a long weekend I am back here at work. Avoiding doing the work I should be doing because I just can't get back into the grove after have the last 3.5 days off. My wife and I got some good work done in the kitchen of our house. We are doing some updating and refinishing that is very much needed in there.

I had a good Star Reach call with Dan on Thursday. We talked in length on a couple of subjects. The first being on teaching. Dan mentioned that he had a realisation after listening to the module Alisone, listen to it free. There is a part where Eric says, "To know what God is, is to be able to truly serve God." Now if we can get the stigma of the word god we really have something here. The word god is replaceable with the universe, the force, or whatever else you would like to call it. It all means the same thing. It is the main source so to speak. Being able to serve god, the universe, the force, the source is of the highest honors and priorities. One of the easiest ways to serve is to teach. Well not all of us have students to teach or are even in a position or place in our lives to teach. Dan shared a little trick with me to get around this. It is something that Eric was including to in Akashic Records, A Dummy and You. In that module Eric reads a passage from a book, Trialogues at the Edge of the West. In that passage a ventriloquist explains that when he speaks with his dummy in private that dummy always replies with the most profound answers that he himself could never have come up with or knew himself before hand. Pretty amazing when you really think about. He tricked his brain into opening a door into the Akashic Records by talking through a ventriloquist. Thus receiving the answers he was looking for. What Dan suggested to me was what he called the Imaginary Student. Teach an imaginary student but fill both rolls ask the questions as the student then switch hats so to speak and answer as the teacher. Dan told me that this was something that he used to do every often but had it slip away. He himself has said that in the short time that he began teaching for Higher Balance he has more realisations and awakings then in any time period before. The reason being that the more time you spend reflecting on the subject of spirituality the more knowledge the universe gifts back to you. You can slip into the Akashic by reflecting. How cool is that? Even as I write here I get floods of information that hit me all at once but I could never type fast enough to keep with it. It is almost instant knowledge that needs to be reflected on in order to make it real to yourself. So I am going to be working on teaching my imaginary student. There are a lot of good times to work on this without appearing crazy to the people around you. If you commute to work, talk as if they are sitting next to you in the car. Any time you find yourself alone you can sit and talk to yourself. This doesn't always have to be out loud though. Have a conversation with yourself in your head. This is something I do quite a bit so I am pretty good at it. Start a blog!! To share a subject with others you have to reflect on the subject in order to share it. I have noticed that I reflect a lot more these days. Mostly on what I would like to hare with all that spot and read this blog.

I have to run now but I promise I will be back with the second exercise that Dan gave me.

Until then,



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