Monday, September 29, 2008

Thought Consciousness of Gaia

Awhile back I had a discussion with my star reach coach about what I was calling the I’s of Gaia. He told me that I was on the right track but what I was seeing was not really I’s of Gaia but its’ thought consciousness.

I brought the topic up because I was reflecting on how there seems to be global movements in the thought consciousness of humans that seems to take on a life of its own. Like there is an under lying power source fueling the concept or thought. Beyond that they seems to transcend boarders and continents. The most current one that seems to be on the minds of most the planet is “Being Green” and carbon emissions. I am sure you could go back and identify other in the past but that is not where I am going.

The red cells of the planet can be influenced by the solar radiation from the sun and the cosmic radiation from all the other stars in our galaxies and the other galaxies in our universe then surely then consciousness of Gaia has any affect as well.

In the up and coming Mayan Storm DVD release. Eric Pepin talks about what the Mayans noticed centuries ago. As the planet moves into the dark rift of the galaxy there are going to changes in the amount and quality of the cosmic radiation that is going to be impacting and felt by the planet. Now you might say that it will only be a small percentage, which I would agree with, and it won’t have the much affect, that is where I will disagree. For example a small percentage in the increase in the average temperature of the planet has scientist worrying about complete melt of polar ice. With my views of global warming aside. It shows how small changes can have large effects. So if a small change in temperature can affect the planet as much as they say, then the decrease in the amount of influence that the planet, therefore the people on it, is going to receive is going to have a large effect.

But wait there more! Yesterday there was a news release stating that the closest star to our planet, our sun, is at its weakest levels of solar radiation since measurements began 50 years ago. In the article Ed Smith of NASA was quoted saying the following:

"With the solar wind at an all-time low, there is an excellent chance the heliosphere will diminish in size and strength,”

"If that occurs, more galactic cosmic rays will make it into the inner part of our solar system," added Smith.

Here is the full article: Solar Wind Weakest Since Beginning of Space Age

With a diminished heliosphere more cosmic radiation is getting to the planet. Could this be an attempt balancing or making up for the reduced amount of radiation? Is it a form of intelligence making a conscious decision? Are receiving a different balance of radiation/information from the universe and our sun? Or are the two different forms staying in the same balance only in reduced numbers?

Another idea is that a combination of the consciousness of the planet, the sun, and the universe in any combination are preparing for the coming drought. The sun is lowering it shield over the solar system in order for it to collect more and maybe store more cosmic rays. Like filling up a reservoir during the spring so you will have water all year long. I am not sure if that is possible. If the influence of cosmic radiation is like the energy we collect and store when we mediate this would make sense. Yet another question?

This should be an eye opener for most people, red and white cells alike. Red cells feed and rely on the guidance of this influence. At the same time and at the other end of the spectrum we as white cells as constantly trying to break free of this influence. With it being at an all time low from both our sun and the surrounding stars this could become a very confusing and frightening time for red cells and yet a very exciting time for white cells looking to progress in there development and break free.

Now let’s venture back to the topic I started with on the consciousness of Gaia and reflected on everything I just stated above. Let’s look at the physical reality of what the diminished solar radiation could cause. If levels continue decrease or even just stay the same we could see a general cooling of the planet. How cold is hard if not impossible to say but there are people how have predicted that it could happen with even small decreases in the suns output. So we have the conscious planet Gaia seeing what is coming. Realizing that in order to receive enough cosmic radiation to survive this period the sun is going to have to power down. But it also needs to stay warm enough to sustain the life living on it. Time to change the atmosphere so it can retain more heat. Foreseeing the coming winter the planet has put on a winter coat.

I don’t think that it is a leap to consider this to be true. The industrialization of the planet was way too big of a movement to be something pure created by man alone. The origination may have come form humans but I think Gaia saw that it could use it two fold. First it saw that it could use it to further advance and evolve as a being and second as a way to protect itself for the coming future. So red cells being as easily influenced as they are were inspired by the planet to take it and run.

Now I started out saying the “green” movement was most likely part of the thought consciousness of the planet. As contradictory as that sounds I am going to argue that it fits together nicely. It this point in time we have done enough. We have put enough carbon into the atmosphere to get us through the coming time period and the planet is telling us to stop. Pretty intelligent being if you ask me. Right now we are in an overlap period. Our atmosphere is where is needs to be for the coming future, but it is a little warm right now. Kind of like putting on a full blown winter coat in the fall when a light jacket would do just fine. But don’t fret we will need the winter coat soon enough. We just brought it out of the closet a little early.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Higher Balance videos on YouTube

First is a little clip from the up and coming Mayan Storm DVD. The DVD will contain the footage from the Mayan Storm Retreat that took place in March of 2008.
Mayan Storm Pre-Release Trailer

The next one is an oldie but a goodie. It has been brought from the archives to see the light of day once again. Still packs a the same punch as i watch it today as the first time I watched it.