Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reflecting on the Self

Well it took me a day to get back. Other pressing needs kept me away yesterday. I still want to share the other exercise that Dan shared with me during my Star Reach call. The exercise involves finding your middle pillar, your true self, focusing on it. How does one find their true self you might ask? I will try and explain the best I can.

When ever we meet a new person or maybe run into someone we haven't seen for awhile we instinctively feel them out. Most people only do this subconsciously and are unaware they are doing. The information you usually get from feeling this person out is what kind of mood that person is in. Emotions and the easiest to pick up on. You can also pick up on the true frequency of a person as well. Have you ever had a random person pop into your head and then moments later either run into them somewhere or receive a phone call from them. This is you sensing that persons frequency and trying to give you a heads up.

So now we know that we can feel out other people and pick up their frequency. What happens when we turn that same process inward? When we turn it inward we feel out and find our true self hidden within.

Now that we have found and felt out our true self; what do we do now? You feed it energy and expand it giving it greater strength. You do this just like you learned in High Guard. Instead of filling the pyramid with chi and heart chakra energy for protection you feed that inner spark that is your true self and you expanded it outward into a pyramid that completely encompasses you. You keep filling the pyramid until it is so full of the energy and frequency of your true self that if you visualized it you wouldn't be able to see in or out of it.

The purpose if the exercise is to become and empower our true self. In the process we also become aware of the personality traits that are ours but our ones that we have picked up from surrounds and environment and assumed them as our own. Higher Balance calls the false identities "I's". We care many I's around with us and use them to deal with different situations as they come up. I don't really know much but I's and the middle pillar, your true self, but I am expecting Reverse Engineering the Self in the mail shortly as my new module from the month. I have heard that this is an amazing class and I can hardly wait to divide into it.

That is all I have for now. I hope you enjoy and even try out the two exercises this month along with me. I would love to hear what others might experience while trying these out.


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