Monday, December 22, 2008

The Hidden Key & My Office Plant

At work I have a pothos plant that's vines run across the tops of my book shelves four vines total. It grows pretty well around one new leaf a week and about 3 inches in length on each of the vines.

The Hidden Key is the latest modules I have been listening to and Eric says that practicing making plants grow is a good place to start. He even gives you the broad strokes.

Well it was getting to the end of the day this last Friday. I wasn't feeling much like working because I was looking forward to my star reach call later on. I went and filled a couple of bottles with water to water my plants in and around my desk.

When I was done I sat down and started to think about what the information from the module. I went through the process and directed it at the pothos plant. I spent maybe 15-20 minutes in total. I then shut down for the day and left for the weekend.

In all honesty I completely forgot about it until I came into work this morning. I sat down at my desk and noticed that one of the vines had fallen off the shelve. As I was putting it back up I noticed that it had grown quite a bit. It appears each vine had sprouted between 2 to 3 new leaves and 6 to 9 inches in length. Just over the weekend!

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